Mailen's First Blog!

 Hola amigos/as! Bienvenidos a mi blog :) Mi nombre es Mailen Rodriguez y soy de Cuba. 

VBlog#1 <-- Hagan "CLICK" para ver mi video!

As I stated above, my name is Mailen Rodriguez and I am from Cuba! I am bilingual, and I currently speak English and Spanish. Spanish is my native language and English is my second language. I learned English in school with the help of my amazing teachers. As soon as I started attending schools in the United States, I was placed in the ESL program. I started school in the United States during 2nd grade and I was in ESL up until 5th grade. From what I remember, my ESL teachers never spoke Spanish, which I believe helped me learn English a bit more. Since none of them spoke my native language, I was forced to communicate in English, and I would always try my best. Another tool that really helped me was Rosetta Stone! Rosetta Stone was a website that we used, which would help us improve our English pronunciation and would help us say complete sentences. This really helped me because school was the only place where I could practice my English. My family only speaks Spanish, which meant that I would also speak Spanish at home. 
    Now that I am older, I would like to become a bilingual teacher one day. I am on the road to becoming an EC-6 Generalist, but I am thinking about teaching bilingual as well. I want to help kids who are experiencing the same things that I experienced growing up as a native Spanish speaker.


  1. Hi Mailen! I enjoyed reading, watching, and listening to your first Vblog! It was very interesting to hear how your school journey transitioned from when you attended school in Cuba and when you came to the United States. Our reading states "ESL and content instruction in English pressure students to replace or demote the home language, subtractive bilingualism may occur" (Wright, 2019, p.24). I was wondering was there was any time throughout your transition to the United States school system that you felt like you were having to replace or demote your home language? If not, could you share what your feelings throughout your transition felt like?

  2. Hello Mailen....
    I enjoyed your blog. So much inspiration. The schools immediately help the students transition into another language by placing them in ESL classes. It's really an advantage that students gain access whereas their parents may be limited to express themselves freely without an interpreter. The resources that is available is important to help the transition become more smoother. Your experience would be the passion you use to help you commit to helping others in such a way that is personal and effective.

  3. Very nice Mailen. Se te nota lo cubana en tu voz.

  4. I also think you would do very well as a bilingual teacher. See me if you have questions.


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